Hi www.tsolov.zip!
You've read my message and have some questions?
Here are some answers.
Why did you reach out to me specifically?
I reached out to you because I believe that you have knowledge and experience that could greatly benefit my research. Additionally, I would love to just talk about designing/engineering with you!
Okay, cool. Who are you again?
My name is Filip. I'm a product designer & software engineer studying Interaction Design at CODE University Berlin. I am passionate about creating digital products that are both functional and beautiful. If you want to see some of my work or learn more about me, click here.
Cool website! How will the interview go?
The interview will be around 30-40 minutes long, and include different questions about your past experiences and the way you work with designers/engineers. It will be recorded, transcribed and analysed for my research. I will make sure to keep your identity private. You will also receive an interview consent form, and a one-pager with more information about the research topic.